Community Fundraiser Reward Cards

Easy fundraisers that benefit everyone in your community!

Raise money for your local fundraisers using BOGORedeem!

BOGORedeem is a fundraising service for YOUR community and surrounding areas!

Who does it benefit?

  • It benefits COMMUNITY merchants such as restaurants or other businesses in your town!
  • Raises $$$ for your fundraiser event. Learn more.
  • This program is 100% FREE for merchants to enroll and get listed on our fundraiser cards.
  • Merchants can choose what OFFER they want to have listed on the card. BOGO offers, Percentage Off the order, FREE stuff...
  • A QR Code is displayed on the Reward Cards allowing customers to view the card on their phone, or even print the details and place it in a handy location like your glove box!
  • Backed by technology! Best of both worlds - can be fully digital or printed cards (you choose)!


  • Local business, US-based
  • Direct contact for support
  • Raise the money you need for your fundraiser programs
  • We do the hard work, so you don't have to!
  • Thick-stock QR Code scannable cards
  • Fully digital display of the card deals and offers
  • Your card on your phone - display the deals right on your phone for redemption
  • Printable versions to keep in your car, purse, or wallet

We enroll your local area merchants.

We help them complete their various offers and card deals.

We ship the QR Code cards to you!

Sample Discount Reward Card
(Click image to view sample digital offers)

Fundraising doesn't have to be hard and it can be fun too!

Scannable QR Code takes the customer to view all the offers & deals. This allows us to continue adding new merchants with new offers, even after we've shipped the cards to you! Click the image above to view the sample digital version of the card deals.

No more door to door, no more having your kids out in traffic and bad weather when they could be practicing or studying. Txt to Join to your family and friends!

Build your Fundraising goals with lightning speed with a few clicks from your supporters, family and friends.

What can we help you with?

I need help starting or running a fundraiser

  • I want to start a fundraiser using BOGORedeem? (school fundraisers, sports teams, clubs, groups, special need fundraisers, or any other fundraiser)
  • I am running a fundraiser and need Help or Support
  • I am selling cards and customer wants to pay by credit card or I want to send a friend or family a link to purchase card online. Click Here
  • I need ideas for running and selling my BOGORedeem cards. Please check out the Marketing Your Fundraiser page.

I am a restaurant or merchant

I have purchased a Reward/Fundraising Card

Sports Teams & School Fundraisers

Church Fundraising

Groups like Boy Scouts or Cub Scouts

Wellness fundraising for that special needs situation

Customers win!

Restaurants win!

Local merchants such as apparel shops, car washes, or service providers win!

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