Frequently Asked Questions

  1. We help you meet your fundraising goals no matter if it's for a school fundraiser, a sports team, a club, or a special needs situation!
  2. We take care of the hard work and make it easy for you!
  3. We enroll local merchants in your community. They choose whatever BOGO deals or specials they want to offer on the cards.
  4. We create and ship the fundraiser reward cards to you!
  5. You hit your fundraising goals, all the while helping drive business to your local community merchants. ANY type of business can participate and enroll. Restaurants, service providers, even businesses like car washes!
  6. Patrons love buying the cards because they typically offer extreme benefits and BOGO deals that they can take advantage of right in your community!
  7. It's free for merchants to signup and list their offers.
  8. Did we mention it's easy???!!!

VERY SIMPLE: You keep 50% of all proceeds and it goes directly to your fundraising need.

Cards are typically sold anywhere from $10 per card up to $30 per card. Example: 30 people each selling 30 cards at $25 per card will earn $11,250 directly for your organization or fundraiser!

Anyone can organize a fundraiser with BOGORedeem!

Complete our Start a Fundraiser form. We'll call you. Then, just tell us your target goal and we'll calculate how many cards you will need to sell and we handle all the signups for your local merchants who will be listed on the fundraiser reward cards.

We will then ship your cards and you will sell them and keep 50% profit and send a check back to BOGORedeem for the remainder.

When you receive your cards in the mail, distribute them to everyone in your group or organization that will sell them to customers. These are your salespeople! We recommend giving each person X amount of cards to sell and give everyone a set # of cards so you can expect an exact amount of money to be returned to you after they are all sold.

Your program will have a Begin and an End Date for when the cards are allowed to be redeemed. You will also collaborate with us on how much time you need to sell your cards. Typically this timeframe is 4-6 weeks from the date they are shipped to you.

You will want to centrally collect all the money from your salespeople and send a check to BOGORedeem for the agreed-upon amount based on the number of cards you plan to sell. This is 50% profit for your organization.

Yes, a minimal deposit is required to cover the cost of printing and shipping cards to you. The deposit is based upon the quantity of cards being ordered. We will review the pricing with you during our call after you have submitted the Start a Fundraiser form.

After you have sold your cards, we will subtract the security deposit amount from the money owed back to us when you pay for your cards.

The cards that you will receive in the mail will each have a unique QR Code on them.

When the code is scanned using a phone, it will open a web browser to the full Rewards Page which has all the local merchants listed along with their offer.

From there, the full Rewards Page can be bookmarked so that the digital version is always accessible.

Sample QR Code (printed, shipped to you, then sold to your fundraiser patrons)

Sample Fundraiser Discount Reward Card

Sample Digital Card (printable)

Scanning the code will bring you to a page similar to this. This is what you show the merchant for redemption.

Sample Fundraiser Digital Reward Card

Short Answer: Cards can arrive at your door within 2 weeks. Typical selling duration is 4 weeks. We continue enrolling more and more merchants during this timeframe. The reward cards are then redeemable by patrons for up to 1 year.

After you submit our Start a Fundraiser form, we will try and contact you as soon as possible and schedule a phone call.

Once we've learned your fundraiser goals, we'll begin calling and signing up local area merchants.

In parallel with signing up merchants, we'll begin working on your cards.

Due to the fact we have both printed and digital versions of our cards, this allows us to get cards out to you so you can begin selling them ASAP without having to wait until all merchants have been signed up. As new merchants are added, they will automatically appear on the digital version of the cards!

No problem!

As long as you have already registered your card, you can receive a link to the digital version of your card or even print a new version by submitting our Recover Card form.

That's Great!

We're happy to have you! BOGORedeem is completely free for merchants to signup, find nearby fundraisers going on in your community and surrounding areas, and list whatever BOGO offers or other offers you want listed on our cards.

Please create a login by completing our Merchant Signup form.

You will then login and see nearby fundraiser programs. You can then join them and submit the listing/offer form for each of those programs.

BOGORedeem fundraiser programs are a great way to have free marketing and advertising for your business. It will help drive more customers to you and helps everyone in your community!

No problem! You can send an SMS Msg to the customer who wants to buy the card and they will pay with credit card here: Click Here.

No problem! Call our phone number (below) or submit our Support Form.

Are you a local business or merchant?
Register your business with our reward card system today!
Having problems registering or have a question?
Submit Support Form
Call us at +1 ‪(412) 376-7785‬
